Clifton Curriculum
Our Curriculum at Clifton Primary School
'Bringing out the Best in each and every Child'
All Early Years Foundation Stage (EYFS) children are taught following the Statutory Framework for the Early Years Foundation Stage (January 2024). More information about this stage of learning can be found following the link:
Most children from YR1 to YR6 are taught following the National Curriculum (2014). More information about the National Curriculum can be found following the link:
At Clifton, we aim to prepare our children for life-long learning. Our curriculum has been developed by our team, over time, to reflect six core values – relationships, respect, resourcefulness, resilience, responsibility and reflectiveness. We aim to focus on the needs of individuals whilst delivering on our school mission statement – ‘bringing out the best in each and every child’. The children are encouraged to strive to be the best version of themselves that they can be.
Our Clifton curriculum reflects this ‘whole-child’ approach, in that we very much aim to deliver a broad and balanced primary curriculum. During the children’s time in our school, we believe that it is important for them to experience not only quality learning and teaching but also offer them opportunities to develop their social, emotional and personal well-being.
Our Clifton curriculum will give the children the opportunity to read widely, explore, ask questions and become knowledgeable, independent learners. We ensure that educational visits, participation in sporting events, learning outdoors and experiencing the local environment are woven through our curriculum. This enables the children to celebrate the environment and community in which they learn and live.
Clifton works hard to support and include everyone – diversity and inclusion is very important; this is reflected in our curriculum and work with both the children and indeed our families. There are close links between home and school, which is positively supported by our team.
Our Clifton curriculum has been developed for all children, including those with Special Educational Needs or Disabilities (SEND). We have high expectations for all children and with support from our SENCO are committed to ensuring that everyone's needs are met within our Clifton curriculum. We have made sure that our Clifton curriculum complies with the Equality Act 2010 and the Special Educational Needs and Disability Regulations 2014.
To find out more about our Clifton curriculum please contact your child’s class teacher or a member of the senior staff.