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Clifton Primary School

Clifton Primary School

Bringing out the best in each and every child

Year 4

Mrs Prescott is our Teacher



Mrs Johnson and Mrs Howarth are our Teaching Assistants

Quick Reminders - 

  • Mrs. Mayor teaches in Year 4 on Wednesday afternoon
  • PE days are Mondays and Fridays - please wear your kit to school
  • Homework - reading regularly, spellings (we use Spell Shed to help us) new words every Monday, times tables (we use Purple Mash to help us) 2do set each Friday
  • Remember to bring in water in your water bottle and fruit for a healthy snack at break time. 

In Year 4, we have been very busy. Here are some pictures of our work.


Science: animals including humans - Teeth and digestion unit

Art: we have explored works by Paul Cezanne and have undertaken an art study of Laura Carlin who illustrated an edition of The Iron Man.
Design Technology: we have had fun making a wire buzzer game. We used our knowledge of electrical circuits to help us do this.
English: we have thoroughly enjoyed reading *Frindleswylde* by Natalia and Lauren O'Hara, and wrote some wonderful poetry, which we then transformed into creative pieces during a computing session.
Geography: we have been busy comparing Bavaria to Lytham St. Annes. Many of us would like to take a trip there in the future. 
Computing: the children have designed campaign posters around topics that they are keen to promote. 

Newsletters 2024 - 2025

Year Four Spelling List - tested half termly

School Illustration