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Clifton Primary School

Clifton Primary School

Bringing out the best in each and every child


Clifton Primary School Governor Page

Every state funded school in England is required to have a governing body made up of volunteers who work with the school, helping to help ensure that it delivers the best possible quality of education. Governors achieve this by working with the school leadership team, providing strategic direction, helping to define the school ethos and to set the school’s aims and policies.

Other key functions of a school governing body include;

  • Holding the headteacher accountable for the educational performance of the school, its pupils and the performance of management of staff
  • Setting targets for achieving aims and objectives set for the school
  • To oversee the financial performance of the school and make sure money is well spent
  • Assisting with the selection of and recruitment of staff including the headteacher
  • Making decisions about the school building and premises, in particular that it is a safe and welcoming place for pupils and staff
  • To be a source of challenge and general support for the headteacher (acting as a critical friend)

Here at Clifton we have a team of 11 dedicated governors making up the governing body, including the headteacher, staff, parent representatives and members drawn in various ways from the local community. All share a common objective of wanting to help ensure the wellbeing of pupils, and that Clifton remains a thriving and lively learning environment in support of the School ethos ‘bringing out the best in each and every child’.

We have a diverse group of governors with a variety of backgrounds and experiences. Some have first-hand knowledge of the educational sector, others bring skills and knowledge from other areas of the public sector, private industry and life experience. Many have had children who went to Clifton and want to give something back to the School for what it has given them.

Governors receive training when they are first appointed, and throughout their period of office, helping them to understand their responsibilities and the framework in which schools are required to operate. Here at Clifton, our Governor team has been on over 100 individual training courses with topics ranging from School Finance, School Inspection, Child Safeguarding, School Improvement, Working Together, Staff Recruitment and Governing Body Self Evaluation

Governor responsibilities are discharged in several ways, formally through meetings (regular and adhoc), and informally through classroom visits, talking to teachers and children, attendance at school performances and functions etc.

As per the statutory requirements, there are three meetings annually of the full governing body, held termly which all governors attend. At full governing body meetings we receive detailed updates from Headteacher with regards to the achievement of school’s priorities and targets as well as considering the impact for Clifton of both National and Local educational information and initiatives. We also get the opportunity to share experiences we have had based on individual governor visits into school.

The officers of each committee is listed below:

  • Chair of Governors: Kevan Waby
  • Vice Chair of Governors: Brian Gill
  • Chair of the Standards and Effectiveness Committee: Joan McIntyre
  • Chair of the Resources Committee: John Burslam

There are also a number of other sub-committees which meet on an adhoc basis when required to consider such things as headteacher appraisal, staff pay, staff behaviour and discipline, pay appeals and pupil discipline relating to exclusions.


The Full Governing Body meets three times in the year.  We also have two committees:

  1. Standards and Effectiveness
  2. Resources

which meet at least termly, sometimes more often if required.  We have used these meetings to monitor progress of targets in the school improvement plan and challenge and hold senior leaders to account on all aspects of the work of the school.

Full Governing Body Meeting

This meeting is chaired by Mr Waby.  At Full Governing Body meetings Governors receive a report from the Headteacher on all aspects of the leadership of the school including the school improvement plan.

Other Committees

The Headteacher appraisal panel met in the Autumn Term to carry out the Headteacher’s annual appraisal.  The Pay Review Panel met  to review the school’s implementation of the Pay Policy linked to appraisal.  There is also a Pay Review Appeals Panel which has not met because there were no appeals.

Individual Governor Responsibilities

In addition to sitting on the committees, Governors have a number of individual responsibilities.

Training Link Governor:

Mr Burslam has taken on the responsibility for overseeing governor training.  He ensures that we attend appropriate and relevant training courses to develop the skills we need and improve our effectiveness and make an active contribution to the governing body.  This year we have continued with the 10 minute training sessions at the start of each meeting.  This is in addition to GEL online training, such as Prevent training, and face to face training.

Safeguarding Governor including Prevent and Pupil Premium Champion:

Mr Waby is responsible ensuring that we continue to work for an outstanding level of safeguarding provision in school.  He liaises with the designated senior leads in school checking safeguarding policies, procedures and records for ensuring that staff and governors are appropriately trained and reporting back to the full governing body.

SEND Governor

Mrs DeRizzio is responsible for ensuring that the key responsibilities of the SENCo are clearly defined and meet the needs of the school. He meets with the SENCo and monitors the way in which the responsibilities and SEND processes are carried out. Mr Culley, SENCO, reports in person to the Full governing Body and Standards and Effectiveness throughout the year.

School Visits

Governors visit the school regularly. Visits provide an opportunity to speak with pupils, staff and parents.

The Chair of Governors (Mr Waby) meets regularly with the Headteacher to discuss all aspects of the work of the school.

Governors regularly attend school events throughout the year.


The Governors have attended a range of training opportunities this year and we have completed and reviewed a skills audit.  The skills audit recognises that existing Governors have a strong base of relevant expertise and experience.

Governor Training has included

10 minute training sessions at the start of meetings

Induction training for new Governors

Online training via GEL and Lancashire modules

OfSTED update and the role of the Governing Body

Prevent Training

Health and Safety Training

Safeguarding Updates

Lancashire Chairs’ Forums termly


The appointment of governors at Clifton is made in accordance with the Governing Body’s Instrument of Government.

Details of our individual governors at Clifton can be found below. This includes the following information which has to be published on the school website.

  • Any relevant business interests of governors
  • Details of any other educational establishments they govern.
  • Any relationships between governors and members of the school staff including spouses, partners and relatives.

Clifton Primary School Current Governing Body




Appointment Date

End Date

Mr J Atkinson


04 Oct 2023

02 Oct 2027

Mrs R Legge


01 Jan 2017

31Aug 2024

Ms A DeRizzio


08 Jan 2023

07 Jan 2027

Mr K Waby


1 Apr 2023

2 Apr 2026

Mr J Burslam


08 Jan 2023

07 Jan 2027

Mr B Gill


10 Mar 2024

09 Mar 2028

Mrs Caroline Williams


10 Dec 2023

11 Dec 2027

Mr Peter GreavesCo-opted10 Mar 20219 Mar 2025
Mrs Joan McIntyreCo-opted20 Apr 202119 Apr 2025
Mr Lee RobinsonParent20 Mar 202320 Mar 2027
Mrs Annette EkParent20 Mar 202320 Mar 2027
Mrs Clare HornsbyCo-opted7 Nov 20238 Nov 2027

Meeting Schedule and Attendance

School Illustration