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Clifton Primary School

Clifton Primary School

Bringing out the best in each and every child

Class 4

YR2 Stay and Play - Part 1 - presented on 14th June 2024

YR2 Stay and Play - Part 2

Making bags

The chicks

Message from The Ogglebogs

We have been sent a message from Phil, Simon and Charlene from Sooperbooks. We designed and created a new Ogglebog then drew pictures of them and wrote descriptions about them. These were then sent to Sooperbooks and this is what they thought of them:

Name Feedback
Arthur: Squido is a great name. Character very original. The drawing is full of energy and so vibrant.

Chantelle: Mimo is another great name and her characteristics are great especially all her ears, what a great feature.

Charlie: Another brilliant Rocco - maybe original Rocco's sidekick to help on new adventures...

Charlotte: Dodo is a great name and she doesn't like loud noises. Great superpower! Such a fun drawing.

Chloe: Another Coco - but this time pink! This character is super sweet and would definitely be original Coco's friend.

Edison: Sewso a great name and what great big eyes he has - what a fantastic feature to see everything around him.

Elysia: Bobo is a great name and the snail/slug features are so fun. Great superpowers.

Emily: Fizzo is one of our favourite names and very thought out superpowers. Super drawing.

Emma: Obbo is a wonderful name and great character. Top drawing - reminds us all of another blobbo inspired character.

Evelyn: Mashmello is a terrific name and character. The colours and features work so well together.

Everly: Hono is a really fun name. And wow what exciting characteristics Hono has, incredible!

Frankie: Geco is a fun name - represented really well in the drawing. A great concept.

Gabriela: Gogo, super name and so many antennas - I'm sure they will be useful. It looks like Gogo has been loving his green
custard baths.

Hudson: Plato is a great name and character. The long arms are fantastic and this would definitely be a great characteristic to help
the Ogglebogs.

Luca: Bobo is a really fun name and so vibrant - we especially love Bobo's blue face and long legs.

Lucy: Taco is such a good name. Character terrific with the striped patterns.

Oliver: Flasho is such a great name and we love how your character represents its name in colour and shapes.

Oscar: Blinko is a great name and character with so many interesting patterns.

Oskars: Gogo, super name and such a powerful drawing - we love how Gogo is small but possesses real strength and power.

Peyton: Freezo is such a fun name and fun character - we love his characteristics.

William: Bobo has great character - we love his long angled body and blinking power with his three eyes - loads of energy and

Zachary: Nono is a great name. Plenty of characteristics here and made us all go WOW - such a powerful alien.

Our Ogglebogs

Our Teacher is Mrs Bond and our Teaching Assistant is Mrs Wilkinson.


Quick reminder


  • Reading folders need to be in school EVERY day.
  • Reading books can be changed every time a book is finished.
  • Library books can be changed on a Thursday.
  • PE is on a Monday and a Wednesday.


1) Reading every day

2) Practice Year 2 spellings every week

3) Go on Spelling Shed every week


Year 2 spellings to practice

School Illustration